Monday, October 01, 2007

Life story 9

Life story 9
‘If He is able to heal me, I will build a church for Him!’

I was an ancestral worshipper for more than 20 years before I came to know the Lord. In 1973, I fell seriously ill. Both Western and Chinese doctors I consulted could not help and over several months my condition deteriorated, as I lost blood each time I urinated. One of my employees said to me, ‘The only one who can help you, even if no doctor can, is Jesus.’ So where’s Jesus? If He is able to heal me, I will build a church for Him.’ I said.

In Tanhong Pinang I found a Pentecostal pastor who, upon laying hands on me and praying, told me that Jesus had healed me of my sickness. I did not feel anything then, but when I reached home my urine became clear for the first time in months. I thought to myself, ‘How extraordinary!

After I had been well for two months I began to think to myself, ‘Building a church can be very expensive!’ I told myself that it was the medication from the doctors that had made me well, and not Jesus. Immediately the next morning I passed out fresh blood again, and was rushed to the hospital in severe pain as I could not urinate. The doctor said he had no choice but to operate.

Suddenly I thought about praying to Jesus, and as I did so, immediately I was able to pass urine. However I still needed an operation as the doctor had earlier found a very large stone in my bladder blocking the urine outflow.

That night before my surgery I went to see Pastor William Lee at Glad Tidings Church in S’pore who laid hands on me and prayed for healing. The following morning I found I could urinate very well. The flow was very strong. I was anxious still as I was due for surgery that afternoon, and yet I knew that God would heal me. In the toilet my urine was white as milk with a lot of sandy particles. The previous day it has been red like darkened tea. ‘This is amazing!’ I thought to myself, as faith started to rise up in my heart. Then all of a sudden I passed out a big stone!

From that moment I knew that Jesus had healed me completely. There and then I gave my heart unreservedly to Jesus. On my return to Riau Islands, I immediately made plans to build my first church building for the glory of Jesus my Lord. Since then, God has been with me in every situation and I love Him. Hallelujah!

Mr Goh Yong kwang, 69, is a timber businessman from Batam, Riau Islands, Indonesia. He has built several churches in Riau for God’s glory.

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