Monday, October 01, 2007

Life story 10

Life story 10
‘God is healing you right now!’

The small dark spots of floaters which developed in my right eye resulted in a spreading inflammation. My vision was completely blocked and my right eye was becoming blind.

In 1994, I was diagnosed with Toxoplasmosism a condition caused by the parasite called Toxoplasma gondii. At the Singapore National Eye Centre I was prescribed steroids, and was told that I would have to live with my condition for the rest of my life. It was incurable and would recur under any sort of stress. After six months of medication my condition gradually improved.

However, in the last quarter of 1997 I suffered a relapse and started to see floaters again. In Dec of that year I attended Pastor Peter Youngren’s seminar at City Harvest Church, Singapore.

When he gave an altar call he said ‘There is someone here who is having eye problems, you are seeing dark spots in your eye. God is healing you right now!’

When I heard that I lifted up my head and opened my eyes, and praise God the floaters had suddenly disappeared! I could not understand it, I could not believe it, but I knew God had healed me.

In the eight years since that day, I have graduated from University, got married, had a son, worked 16 hours most days, and though I have been through many stressful periods, praise the Lord the condition has never recurred. He has truly touched me and healed me!

Jimmy Sng, 31, works in City Harvest Church, Singapore.

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