Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Life story 13

Life story 13
‘I soon became bed-ridden and realized that my condition was very severe’

In oct 1995, I started to experience tremendous “shooting” pains that ran down the back of my left leg. Despite taking pain killers the pain continued to worsen. I was diagnosed as having a slipped disc. The doctor gave me painkillers and medical leave. The strong medication did not help as the pain continued in intensity. I soon became bed-ridden and realized that my condition was very severe. I was admitted to Gleneagles Hospital.

An MRI scan revealed that about 80% of a disc was protruding out of alignment and an urgent operation to remove the prolapsed disc was recommended as the only possible remedy. The operation was done the next day.

However in the subsequent weeks and months things did not go well. There was great pain at the operation site and I had to be re-admitted for an epidural injection to eliminate the pain. But it was only a temporary measure.

In Dec 1995, Dr and Mrs Charles Hunter came to preach at City Harvest Church in Singapore. I was still suffering great pain but I eagerly wanted to attend their meeting as they were going to pray for the sick.

Mustering all my strength I made my way to the church, but could not sit throughout the service as the pain was unbearable. After preaching, the Hunters said God had spoken to them to pray for people who had spinal problems. I immediately made my way up to the stage!

The entire church joined the Hunters to pray for me. Almost immediately, I realized that there was no more pain in my spine. The Hunters asked me to stretch my spine by bending forwards, backwards and sideways. I was stunned that there was no pain at all! The Hunters asked me to jump, and for the first time in there months, I could jump without pain! I was completely healed and have been so ever since that time nine years ago --- when Jesus touched me.

Suraj, 39, works in City Harvest Church, Singapore.

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