Thursday, December 06, 2007

the Shepherd- Theory about happiness

a little commercial break here.. this another book called.. hope.. this wil help you.. to find your own happiness.. (vic see carefully le oh)..

The Shepherd – A modern parable about our search for happiness – Matthew Kelly

In today’s world where appearance is valued more than substance there is a restlessness rampant among us. Deep within one question tugs consistently at our hearts: “ What will truly brings me happiness?” As we wrestle with this question we come to one very potent realization: “There must be more to life…”

Everyone has a theory about happiness, but rarely do you look deep into the eyes of a person who has the peace to back up their theory.
In The Shepherd, Kelly sorts through the false conclusions, half-baked theories, and endless contradiction which seems to dominate our modern search for happiness, to arrive at the one true source of this happiness we desire. The beautiful message contained within these pages has the power to change our lives. This book can lead us along a rarely trodden path to arrive at the ever-needed truth. If you open yourself up to its message, The Shepherd will guide you to the happiness your heart desires.

The human heart is on a quest for happiness. As individuals we are all so unique and different, but we are bound together by our common yearning for happiness. Regardless of our age or the color of our skin, regardless of the land in which live or the land in which we were born, we all yearn for happiness.
In our search for happiness, we often do things that we think will make us happy, but in fact end up making us miserable. Under the influence of self-centered philosophies we often seek happiness through pleasure, possessions, power, or just simply the path of least resistance. Each of these may offer moments of happiness, but they end too soon, having lasted ever so briefly, and our quest for a lasting happiness continues. These moments of happiness are of course real, but only as real as a shadow is real. The shadow of a person is real and wonderful, but it is nothing compared to the actual person. Sadly, so many of us spend our lives chasing shadows of happiness.

The modern search for happiness seems to be governed by greed, lust, gluttony, selfishness, exploitation, and deception. And yet, as these diseased values become more and more the focus of modern lifestyles, people seem to be filled with great discontentment and unhappiness with each passing day.
The great tragedy here is not that we fail to achieve our plan, but rather, that we don’t know that even if our master plan had worked out, we still wouldn’t have the happiness we desire.
Fame, fortune, pleasure, and possessions will never satisfy our deep, deep yearning for happiness. Possessions will lose their glow, wealthy people seem wealthy but they are not happy, they cannot enjoy their wealth. All of them are just illusions that sparkles and shine, and distract us from the true happiness we yearn for deep in our beings. You never can get enough of what you don’t really need.

The Shepherd is a story about a man who has found the happiness that our hungry hearts desire. His simple and peaceful spirit provides a vision of happiness that is deeply rooted in ancient wisdom, but may just be that “new vision of happiness” that can rescue us all.
“Get to know The Shepherd, Stop trying to put together a master plan for your life… for your happiness… Instead, seek out The Master’s Plan for your life… for your happiness… Allow Him to lead you, to guide you, to be your companion, your friend, your coach, your mentor… He will lead you to green pastures… He will restore your soul…Your cup will overflow…”

… in that moment of spontaneous prayer the Spirit that guides us all led me to pray, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” It was perhaps the first moment of honest and humble prayer in my life. Before that day I had only been interested in telling God what my will was, I had never asked Him to reveal His will.

“God, what do you think I should do?” I call this “The BIG Question.” It is the question that changed my life forever, and the question that continues to transform my life today.

This question should be a constant theme in our spiritual lives. When we are attentive to this question we are happy regardless of external realities, because we have a peace and contentment within. It is the peace that comes from knowing that who are, and what we are doing makes sense regardless of the outcome, and regardless of other people’s opinions. This peace comes from taking into account the only opinion that truly matters: God’s.

Everyday we make dozens of decisions, some of them large and some of them small. When was the last time you invited God into the decisions of your life?

Sometimes I block His voice out because I want to do something I know He doesn’t want me to do. Sometimes I foolishly believe that I know a shortcut to happiness. These decisions always lead me to misery of one form or another.

The will of God is a mysterious thing. In my own spiritual journey I have learned that God reveals His will one step at a time, but this creates a great deal of uncertainty, and we don’t like that. In this modern age we try to control all the elements so that we can have security and stability. If only we could learn to enjoy uncertainty. Uncertainty is a sign that all is well. God is your friend; He will take care of the details.

Sometimes I cannot help but wonder how many of those have actually formed the habit of spending a few minutes in prayer each day. Often people dismiss the message as too simple. It is true that the simple things in life are often the best. It is also true that simple things have a tremendous ability to transform our lives. Simplicity is the key to perfection. I have experienced the power of simplicity in my own life and I invite you to do the same.

I know we can pray anywhere, but there is something mystical and powerful abut entering into the presence of God in His house.
I challenge you to take a few moments with your God each day. Enter into the classroom of silence. Sit with God and dream some dreams. Once you are in the classroom of silence, if you can muster the courage to ask the big question and the patience to listen to the silent murmuring of your hear, He will lead you. You may not hear any voices, or see any wonders, but He will lead you. Nothing is surer. And then, your life will become a passionate and enthusiastic adventure.

Forget about trying to put together a Master Plan for your life… for your happiness. Start looking for The Master’s Plan for your life… for your happiness.
If you are willing, little by little, step by step, He will reveal a plan, and in that plan your deep gladness will unite with the world’s deep need. Only then will you taste the holy contentment that our very beings never stop yearning for.

Get to know The Shepherd. He will lead you to green pastures… He will restore your soul… You cup will overflow…:)

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