Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Life story 8 + followed-up testimony

Life story 8
‘My plans for you, says the Lord, are to prosper you and give you hope and a future’

I believe God had put His loving hand of healing upon my life long before I became a Christian.

I was a young lad of seven, in Primary One, when one day I suddenly felt severe abdominal pains. At the Mount Alvernia Hospital, I was operated upon immediately for acute abdomen due to Burkitt’s lymphoma. I remained in hospital for about a month and underwent Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. At one stage my condition was critical, and none of my doctors expected me to make it. But I did, by the grace of God.

When I became a Christian I came across these words in my reading of Psalm 138:
‘Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; The LORD will fulfil his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever’ Psalm 138:7-8

I then realized afresh how God had preserved me through all these years for His good purpose. Even when I was a youngster and did not know Him, He still loved me and cared for me. Now that I know Jesus as my Saviour and Lord, I have witnessed again and again, in my own life and professional practice, the Lord moving in miraculous and wonderful ways. Praise be His Name!

God has a purpose for each one of us and will not allow anything to thwart his good plans for our lives—‘For I know the plans I have for you.’ Declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29.11

Dr Francis Seow-Choen, 47, is a colorectal surgeon in private practice in Singapore.

Followed up testimony
‘In 1977 my grandma became a Christian. She was 86 years old.’

Because of spine tuberculosis, my grandma Ang Chang had developed paralysis of both legs and became severely ill and depressed. However when family members shared about their faith in Jesus Christ and what He could do for her, her spirit was lifted up. She was eager to become a Christian and upon receiving Christ she asked to be baptized immediately. In the hospital bed, the pastor baptized her with sprinkling. Although her health did not improve immediately, nonetheless her faith grew stronger.

When she returned home, straightaway she asked for all her ancestral idols and gods to be thrown away. She continued praying to Jesus and believing that strength would return to her legs.

One night the Lord Jesus appeared to her in a vision and told her to stand up. At once she knew that Jesus had healed her. The next morning she found that she could stand up and walk. It was truly a miracle! Sometime later, she fell and fractured her hip. But her earlier experience of the power of God had strengthed her faith in Jesus Christ and made her even more fervent in her prayers.

Ang Chang is now with the Lord.
Testimony by Dr Francis Seow.

Life story 7

Life story 7
‘My family was told that I would surely die’

On the 28th April 2001, I was suddenly admitted to the Singapore General Hospital with very serious lung infection which developed into Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. One of my lungs had collapsed completely and the other was on the verge of collapsing too.

I slipped into a coma and was given a very slim chance to survive. My condition deteriorated and the doctors had to cut a hole on my throat to get air into my lungs directly. My family was told that I would surely die.

In a coma, my condition became even more critical as the doctors found that the virus had infected my liver which was falling and I was turning yellow. They were not expecting me to make it through that week.

However, my friends in church came to visit me. They prayed, laid hands on me and commanded life to return to my body. God in His mercy began to restore strength and energy to my body. My liver began recovering and I started breathing on my own. God was healing me.

The doctors were amazed by my speedy progress and the professor said he had never seen someone in my condition recover so quickly. I was discharged from hospital with a clean bill of health on the 7 June 2001-- a date I shall never forget. I was discharged without any need for further medication! Praise the Lord!

Today I can testify that Jesus has healed me completely! Praise His Name. I am a healthy person, exercising and playing sports. God has healed me and I know He can hear you too.

Derrick Lim, 24, is a student.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Life story 6

Life story 6
"Morphine was given for my pain. I was resigned to my situation."

In 1994 at the age of 48, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. The cancer, a third stage Dukes C case, had spread to my lymph nodes.

I was then not a Christian and had been invited to different church services by well-meaning friends. But I was largely unmoved and so I surprised myself when I felt moved to give my life to Jesus in Dec 1994. I was baptized the following Easter in 1995.

Since then God has carried me through all the years of anxiety and pain. I have had regimens of chemotherapy drugs. As the disease spread to the liver I had surgery on three occasions. Four months after my final liver resection in 1999, the cancer re-manifested as two tumours in my spine. At that stage I became immobile from an excruciating pain in my back and legs. Radiotherapy was tried as a last ditch effort. Morphine was given for my pain. I was resigned to my situation.

In Dec 1999, I attended a healing rally at the S’pore National Stadium where Evanhelist Carlos Annacondia was preaching. As he prayed, I felt the strong anointing of the Holy Spirit—in spite of his praying in Spanish. Immediately after the prayer I regained full flexibility in my spine. I was able to touch my toes, although a few minutes pror to the prayer I could not walk. Immediately I went up the stage to testify in front of a full stadium, that God had touched me.

However, I continued to live in pain following that experience. But I had faith that God’s healing work had begun I n my body, and I continued to pray to Jesus to heal me.

The nest sign of God’s healing was in early 2000, my blood tests showed normal results and scans verified that there was no more spread of cancer. There were only two holes in the spine where the tumours had been before. Supported by prayers, I made steady but miraculous progress over the past five years. All medical checks showed no further disease.

Today, I am able to function quite well physically, I have a regular job and do everything normal people do, including exhaustive recreational activities, although there is still some discomfort in my spine. But this where God’s grace is so evident to me. He is ever faithful and His grace is sufficient for all my needs. Hallelujah.

Tay Thian Chye, 59, lives in Singapore.

Life story 5

Life story 5
‘As she could not afford the treatment fees, she was discharged and sent home to die’

For one whole year, Mdm Lee who lived with her five children, had been very ill with severe abdominal pains and swelling. She was losing appetite and weight dramatically and following a series of tests, she was told that she had intra-abdominal cancer and needed surgery. As she could not afford the treatment fees, she was discharged and sent home to die.

Although she was not a Christian then in 1988, she was desperate enough to attend a church service at Pancur island where Dr Francis and his team from St John’s/ St Margaret’s Church were ministering. She came forward to have hands laid on her and to be prayed for healing.

Dr Francis a medical doctor, not only prayed for her but also had the opportunity to examine her after the service. He confirmed that there was a huge intra-abdominal mass as well as abdominal fluid present.

On that day Mdm Lee gave her life to the Lord Jesus. Two weeks later, she passed out all the pieces of the huge fleshy mass and her abdominal swelling shrank immediately.

Her recovery was so dramatic that 24 villagers, on seeing what God had done for her, requested to be baptized with her. And now 17 years from that day she was completely healed, Mdm Lee is actively serving in the local church in Pancur. Hallelujah!

Mdm Lee Ah Huay, 55, lives in a Sea Dayak village in Pancur in the Riau Achipelago, Indonesia.

meng @ lesson 5

woohoo.. end up.. becoz of the push forward of my family gathering to fri.. i gotta go for sat service..haha.. here it goes.. some morals i learnt..

1) Step out of realm of fear and go around the realm of faith (1 Cor 2-9 , 2 Cor 12-19)
2) faith wihout works is dead
3) prospering in the soul even you haven't prosper
4) God, family, carrer + ministry.. the priority must be correct
5) God's revelations will come to pass
6) God's presences has substance
7) Glory has values
8) Everything for God should be priceless
- 1st: tithed 10% of faith
- 2nd: laid down my life on the altar

9) Altar is like a spirtual house and a gateway that will pour blessing from the Heaven (Eph 6:12)

10) 3 spiritual effects
---) spiritual maturity
-generous sacrificer/givers of Grace
-be strong in the Grace of giving
-most mature ppl are the most mature ones
---) spiritual revival
-giving is like reviing
-spiritual revival is lkie unite as a soul
---) spiritual purpose (2 Cor 8:5)
-loving God, loving people
-purpose of God is the greatest comission.

11) Engage cultural practise to the God.
12) God sends you as sheeps among wolfs
13) Seven great effects from the abiltiy to tithed (Mal 3:10)
--> Blessings will rest upon you
--> Heaven will be open over you
--> Prosperity will be open to you
--> Hardwork will bear fruits
--> Legacy will fall over you
--> Saint will be with you
--> Investment will prosper

Life story 4

Life story 4
‘Then the nightmare began’

I was born into a Christian family but never took religion seriously. I just lived for each day and never thought much about life or death. It was a pretty meaningless existence, until something happened that was to change all of that.

In early Nov 1995 my parents decided that we should go to Hong Kong for our holidays. Little did I realize that it was going to be a turning point in my life. Three days after our arrival, we were having a sumptuous dinner at my uncle’s place, when I felt dizzy and began to vomit. The ceiling lights were affecting my eyes, causing an intense pain in my head. My whole body went numb, and soon after, I collapsed. Everything went black.

While in a state of coma. I found myself in a red, bloody, environment, trapped in a rubbery bubble. As I struggled hard to get out, I felt that I was suffocating. I thought I would die and called out to God, “Lord, save me please.”

I closed my eyes and seemed to be chewing hard on the bubble, which suddenly burst. When I opened my eyes I saw a most spectacular white light made up of many shiny crystals. There appeared to be a rainbow behind each crystal. It was a magnificent sight, yet so soothing to the soul.

Admiring its beauty, I was interrupted by someone calling my name, “David, David, wake up!” As I opened my eyes and found myself on a hospital bed with my parents by my side, I tried to speak and move, but could not. At that time, I was in “Coma 3”—conscious but not able to respond at all. Overwhelmed by exhaustion. I dozed off.

When I woke up the nest morning, amazing I could move. I was so confused by the whole ordeal and went back to sleep. Then I heard voices and as I opened my eyes I was glad to see my parents, and standing beside them was a Singaporean neurologist, Dr Keith Goh who was working in Hong Kong. He was God-sent and gave me much loving care.

From my CT scan I was told that I had suffered a haemorrhage at the posterior part of my brain. Such a condition had a 40% mortality rate. Was then put through a lumbar puncture to extract bone marrow from my spinal cord. The pain was excruciating. This was followed by an angiogram. I thank God that everything went smoothly and the reports showed no further bleeding in the brain.

However after a battery of tests, I learnt that I had viral encephalitis. For the next nine days I was treated with a new antiviral drug which had been recently used in US and for the first time in Hong Kong. I responded surprisingly well to the drug. My white blood cell count, which had risen to a dangerously high level returned to normal. My heartbeat, which had been beating abnormally also returned to normal. The cardiologist was baffled.
It was indeed a miracle! After thirteen days, I was discharged from the Prince of Wales Hospital. Truly, the Lord is Good!

Back in Singapore, the MRI test revealed that I was completely healed. No abnormalities were detected. The doctors were surprised by my speedy recovery. Patients who suffered from such an illness would have to be hospitalized for at least three weeks and take at least six months to recover. From this incident, I experienced God’s magnificent love for me. It was His healing hand that touched me. Praise His name! He is indeed my Saviour and Healer!

Why did God allow me to go through such an ordeal? The answer came quite soon after. Two weeks upon our return from Hong Kong. My dad, who has gone to be with the Lord, was diagnosed with advanced stage of liver cancer. However my illness had somehow prepared his faith as he saw the reality of God’s love through my healing—an impact that truly changed him to be a God- fearing man. I can still remember him saying, “if God wants to heal me, well and good. If not I am willing to go home to Him.”

I now know that the God I believe in is truly a real and living God. I have experienced His hand upon my life in a most unique and miraculous way. Sometimes His purpose may appear inexplicable to us. But his ways are perfect.

David Cheah, 26, is a student.
(This article is extracted from ‘ Sweet Memories, Sweet Success’ by Kate Cheah [2002], and re-printed with the author’s kind permission.)

Life story 3

Life story 3

‘My family was told that I would not make it as I had been deprived of oxygen for too long’

I slept throughout the eleven-hour flight from Thailand to Israel on the 13 Dec 2003. I was with my church group on a tour to Israel. Midway through the flight I felt pain on my right calf but dismissed it in my drowsy state. But just as I alighted from the plane at Tel Aviv airport, I collapsed and lost consciousness.

I was foaming at the mouth and my eyes had rolled up. By the time the ambulance arrived my heart had stopped beating, and my body was stiff and blue. Even then it was another ten long minutes to the hospital.

The doctors started CPR on me and hooked me up to a respiratory life support system. But they were telling my family that I would not survive.

Chest scans revealed that I had massive blood clots in my right heart ventricle and lungs. I was started on medications to dissolve the clots. But because of my critical state, my family was repeatedly told that I would not make it. I had been deprived of oxygen for too long.

My pastor of New Creation Church came on the 17 Dec. They claimed my healing in Jesus’ Name, and celebrated the Holy Communion by my bed. The next day I suddenly woke up! I had been unconscious for six days.

A repeat scan showed that there were no more clots in my chest. I was discharged from hospital on Christmas Day, the day of Jesus’ birth.

Two days later, I rejoined the tour group to visit the Garden Tomb where our Lord rose from the dead. God, who raised Him from the dead on the third day, had saved me from certain death. Hallelujah! All glory be to Him! I returned to Israel again for another tour in Dec 2004. This time it was not so dramatic.

Ms Mak Suwen, 30, works as an Office Adminstrator.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Life story 2

Life story 2
“Little did I know that God had arranged a special appointment for me”

In February of 2003, I started experiencing pain on my right knee whilst running. At first I ignored it, but by May I could not run anymore. By June I had to use the wheelchair or crutches wherever I went.

I saw more than six doctors but there was no improvement. My orthopaedic surgeon told me that if my condition did not improvement. My orthopaedic surgeon told me that if my condition did not improve an operation on the knee would be needed. However, there would be a high chance of relapse even after the operation.

I started going for physiotherapy. I was also dependent on painkillers and could not stand, jump or move freely. Soon I become confined to a wheelchair. I felt so boxed in by my condition. It was miserable.

In July, my mum asked me to accompany her to Pastor Peter Chu’s healing service at City Harvest Church. Little did I know that God had arranged a special appointment for me.

After the service, Pastor Chu laid hands and prayed for me. I then bent my knees and to my utter surprise, I could do a full stretch! I was so excited. I began to walk without any support and soon I was running around the church auditorium and jumping enthusiastically! I went up and down many flights of stairs with no pain at all- for the first time in five months. Praise the Lord!

I went to the doctor three days after the miracle and he said that I had a ‘surprising recovery’. But I knew better God had healed me.

Praise the Lord for doing exceedingly above and beyond what I could imagine. It was truly a wonderful miracle and I want to give all glory and honour to Jesus Christ.

Annabel Chew, 18, is a student.

Life story 1

Life story 1
“Night after night I was being attacked”

It was around midnight and everything was quiet in my room. I looked closely at my pitch-black room. My curiosity turned to griping fear when I realized that I was looking at apparitions. I froze as they moved towards me. I felt pressure on my neck, choking me. I struggled and tried to scream but no sound came out.

Night after night I was attacked and because so frightened that I dared not go to bed. If I fell asleep, I would be awakened by their attacks. I could not sleep at all.

These nightly attacks began when my mother introduced the Ouija board to me in 1972.
She bought it because she wanted to get the winning lottery number for gambling. I played with it everyday with my mother, and it cost me severely. I did badly in school and was retained for a year in Secondary 2. I was desperate but God heard my cries.

I was in Secondary 3 when my brother Francis shared Jesus Christ with me. As we prayed I sensed something in the room. I opened my eyes and as I turned to the corner of the room, I saw a black shape trying to get near to me but could not. I shivered.

Then all of a sudden for no apparent reason, Francis commanded all evil spirits to leave the room in the Name of Jesus. I felt and heard invisible chains fall off. I knew at once that the bondage had been broken! God had touched me and freed me! Hallelujah! Francis told me never to touch the Ouija board again.

I attended Bible study sessions and soaked myself in the warmth of Christian fellowship. However although I did not see any more apparitions, my nightmare did not go away. I still had no peace at night. Complete breakthrough came after I plucked up enough courage to do something about the Ouija board. I took it out of my mother’s drawer and hid it behind the altar cabinet. She (mother) had been playing with it everyday, but a month slipped by, and she did not seem to ask for it.

Then, I took the next giant step. I took the Ouija board and throw it away. Three months later, I heard my mother muttering to herself, ‘Hmm, I wonder where the Ouija board is?’ I never said a word, and to this day, she has not played with it again.

My nightmares soon faded away. Sweet sleep and peaceful nights have not stayed with me for 23 years. Today, set free by the miraculous power of God, my mission is to share His liberating power with others. Hallelujah!

Ms Dolly Seow, 45, has worked as a school teacher and zoo curator.


heya.. now i going to type out some of the life stories from this book "HE touched me--- Life-changing and healing encounters with Jesus".

Copyright of "The Bible Society of Singapore 2007" and "American Bible Society, 1992"

During his time on earth, Jesus healed many people who were sick with all sorts of ailment or diseases. They were people he had met in the course of his ministry, or people specifically brought to him by friends. The stories of healing which i am going to tell you later are presented as miracles or "mighty acts" performed by Jesus. They are intended to demostrate that he is the Saviour of the World in whom the power of God is at work.

They are also testimonies of people who have recently experienced Jesus' healing power in thier lives. These people have sought, prayed and received the healing they needed. Readers, especially those who are seeking healing and wholeness, will find much to encourage and uplift them in the testimonies. Scroll up the taskbar to voyage the journey of Jesus' healing great life stories.. :)